Monday 28 September 2015


If you Google the meaning of the word 'ḍāk' here is what shows up "The postal service in the Indian subcontinent, originally delivered by a system of relay runners". Since I want to document my love towards handwritten postcards, letters and more, I decided to name my blog 'Dak Love..' as simple as that!so, here I am with my first post.

My Postal journey began when I stumbled upon the website-Postcrossing Since then, I have received a lot of nice and interesting Postcards from around the world.On this Blog, I plan on documenting these postcards, the beautiful stamps that they wore,a few wrinkles and scars through their long journey and many other cool things.Stay tuned while I collect fodder for my next post!


  1. congratulations and all the best!!
    looking forward to read more.

  2. Thank you Sue for your kind comments. I sure will keep the Blog updated with postal yumminess..:)

  3. Interesting!! Dak and Postcrossing are two new things I learnt from your blog. Keep it going. I am sure a lot of interesting stuff from around the world will appear on your page soon.

  4. Hey Hung, I will surely be putting up some interesting stuff on my blog very soon. Thank you for stopping by! :)

  5. Awesome gundi. Hope ur blogs get more followers and enjoy Ur posts a lot :)
